Area Rug Inspiration Gallery

Compare Different Area Rug Styles & Trends

It can sometimes be difficult to imagine how  a rug in a store might look when you actually bring it home. When it comes to home décor in particular, you probably want to choose a rug that will go well with your existing interior design, from the floors to the walls to the furniture.


That's the benefit of shopping online for products like area rugs at Biron's Flooring. You aren't limited to browsing through the store and hoping the rug you choose will work well when you bring it home. You can start by browsing photos in our area rug inspiration gallery to see how different styles pair with different types of flooring.


Then when you shop online at our Rugs.Shop, you can choose from more than 100,000 different area rug styles, all available to ship directly to your home for free!